What You Do Means Something

A couple of weeks ago, I had an ordeal regarding a reimbursement. One that I basically covered pretty well on my podcast and video (you don't have access to it right now, but you will soon, so sit tight, child). Just in case you don't know what happened, I'll just glimpse over it. I basically spent four hours writing an email disputing the charges with receipts and facts, the lady didn't even read it and I still got charged the full amount.

Ironically enough, I'm kinda going through some of that right now, which I think God is just making my negotiating skills better -- at least that's the way I'm looking at it, but, that's besides the point! I just wanted to talk about what you do and what that means to you and every other person. 

You see, I spent a good amount of my time writing that email and that lady who shall not be named (yes, she is Voldemort) didn't even read it. Those were four hours of my life just gone. Now, my perspective on it, is that I was learning and making a skill better. It also became fuel for me, as you can see right now, it's been a week and I'm still talking about it -- from different angles, yes, but it's still prevalent.

You mad, bro?

You mad, bro?

This has been taught to me ever since I was a child, but it wasn't ever as clear to me as that very moment. What You Do, Means Something to Somebody. Now, you can make of this whatever you want, but what I want to get through to you is that every person around you, is looking for something. Your actions in a particular moment, might be what that particular person is in need of. 

I'm a person that learns mostly through trial/error and making "mistakes" -- I call them lessons, really, because that's what they really are. It's been the way I really learn, because stuff sticks to me for longer that way. I'm a quick learner, but, if I stop doing something I learned, I have to reach back in the tool box and polish it up. Maybe I get some things on a silver tray because I learned something a long time ago and now that's how I get it -- who am I kidding, I get a lot of things handed to me. I'm a lucky guy, I must say. But, it all depends on what you're working on for yourself. Sometimes you forget lessons you learned a long time ago, so you have to re-learn them.

But, in this case, I worked really hard on something for a long period of time, and the other person didn't even take a slight glance. Nope, not even that. I'm not saying what this lady did was wrong, she was just doing her job. But, what I've been meaning to tell you all from the get-go is that you should always put your best foot forward. Because you never know who's watching, and that, my friends, could be your golden ticket.

You may be asking, how do both of these things relate to each other? Okay, so I didn't really think about that -- kidding! Here's the deal, when you're putting something out there, it's going to be out there and people will take something from it. Now, I don't mean "be self-conscious about what other people think of you", because frack that! I did it too long to know absolutely NOTHING comes from it. Heck no. Do whatever you want, don't care about what people think of you, but do the best you can in that moment. Because that's all you can do. You'll become a better person for it and also, it makes you grow. 

You have anything else to add to this? You think I'm wrong? Screw you! I kid, I kid. But, if you do have anything to add, do so in the comments or on Twitter or Facebook. You guys know where to find me.


Arkham Knight Impressions

So I've been playing Arkham Knight for about five hours now, and let me tell ya, it's awesome! Now, don't get me wrong, I do have some issues with it, but it's not something that's ruined the game for me yet -- we'll see about that later. 

Let's talk about what I don't like so I can later heave praise on it unabashedly. What's bothered me so far is that they shoe-horn the batmobile on everything. Now, I enjoy using the batmobile when I want to use it, not every waking moment they want me to. I don't really want to compare the game to GTA, but I guess I have to. The driving in GTA is so much fun, I like to drive anywhere in that game -- and I'm not a fan of driving! Here, on the other hand, it's not the same. Maneuvering is not precise, I miss my exits and turns all the time (and I know I'm not the only one). 

Now, when they just let me be the Bats, that's a different story. It's what I've always loved about the game. Give me more of that! Which to be honest, is most of the game from what I've played. I also love the side missions. Man, I usually don't do many side quests. I'll take one on here and there in games, but these seem like they actually mean something. I don't know if it's just because I want to play more of the game or what, but I enjoy them.

The menus are so slick and minimalist, which is something I applaud. I don't like clutter, especially on a video game screen. So when I just get a few options and they're so easy to use, I'm in heaven, baby! 

You're money, baby!

I also love the new batsuit! So many new features to love. I'm not going to talk about them much, because I don't want to get into too much detail, but I just want to say I love it. Oh, before I even forget! I also know why the game is called Arkham Knight... I thought it was because of Batman. But one of the villains is actually called Arkham Knight! I just wanted to throw that out there...

For a more detailed insight into the game, I'll do deeper into it and let you guys know what I thought of it. But for now, it's Bat-tastic!

Getting Out of Conundrums

Well hello there, Khalu-nation (hey, I don't know what to call you!). So this is my first official blog post for the website. As you can see, all the others were posted on my IGN blog over the course of last year and the beginning of this one. Needless to say:

I'm very excite!

So, I've been in kind of a funk lately over what to do with my life -- I know what to do, mostly, it's just I have too many ideas and don't know where to start! I know it's got something to do with comedy in some shape or form, and that's it. I just don't know what route to take. Here's the thing, I was doing stand-up between four-five times a week for about a year and a half. I love it, but, I was getting really lonely. Comedians are a great supportive community, but, you're always doing stuff on your own. So, I decided to take a break. I don't know how long it'll take, but I know I'll definitely be back. 

Now, I've been doing improv consistently for a year this coming August. I love improv, it's one of the funnest things to do. I just started an improv troupe with some of my buddies from class, which is what I always wanted to do. So, that is one of the things I want to do. But at the moment, it's not something I can do every day due to scheduling conflicts. Hopefully though, it'll be something that can clear up soon. Because it's just too much fun -- and you do it with other people!

There's so many things that I would love to be doing. Some days it's video game journalism -- you can incorporate the funny in there! And really, I'm more lenient towards the personality side, but let's be honest, I love to write too. So, why not do both of them? So I'm going to be doing the following: 

  • A weekly blog post about anything. It could be video games, personal stories, TV, movies, nerd stuff. Whatever!
  • A weekly podcast, by myself -- there could be guests in the future. For the time being, it'll be about video game news that I've been following, personal stuff, sports news that I follow as well as anything else that comes to mind. If I later come up with a specific concept, that's what it could turn out to be.
  • A weekly youtube video. About what? Also about anything. Whatever I feel like doing in that moment. It could be a sketch, a joke, a Vlog. I don't know, it's open for the time being. I just want to be consistent about this.

This is going to give me some experience for the video game stuff, and I'll also have a bit of fun doing it. I repeat, I just want to get the consistency first, then the product just happens. This is about discipline, people!

With regards to acting and writing for Film/TV, I'm going to get back to that too. One day a week I'll dedicate my time to write either a sketch or whatever movie/TV episode I'm working on. Auditioning will be whenever it happens. I'll be posting to a lot of casting calls as well as the VO auditions I get. I'm going to get this thing rolling! I've been dormant for quite a while, it's time to wake up!

To sum it all up, each day will be a different thing. I want to focus on all of it, and get better at all of it. If for some reason I get an extra spark for something else, then that's a bonus. I mainly want to do this for the discipline and once I get the hang of it again, I'll do some modifications to the schedule. I'm telling you guys so I can keep myself accountable as well as keeping you up to date. As to where to get all the content? Keep it locked to khalu2.com. Everything's going to be right here for your enjoyment.

Best Game of ALL Time

This post was originally posted in my IGN blog. You can go read it over here.

So I'm doing this thing where I'm writing a new blog post every day (already skipped a day, d'oh!), and since this is just my second one, I feel like I want us to get to know each other. I don't want to just jump in the sack and leave the next morning. Relax, have a drink! Let's talk about our lives...

I grew up as a Nintendo kid and I do have to admit: I will always lean a little towards the Nintendo side -- I can't help it, they've got my heart, matey. I play games on everything, except PC because that's a whole different beast to me and I don't have the patience for the drivers and all of that garbage. I just like to turn it on and go, man! But, anything Nintendo makes, I gobble it up like Garfield eating a lasagna. Don't know who Garfield is? Get outta here!

To get a little bit back on track, in my top ten, I have a variety of games from all three existing first parties, but this is not a top anything list, so I'll leave those for another time. After all, we are at IGN, so it's bound to happen. You guys want to know which game I'm talking about? Do you really? All right, already! Geez Louise. Can I get a drum roll please...

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Say what?!

Yes, you read correctly. I don't know why you're acting so surprised. To me this is the best game ever, and you can't ever take that away from me! Neva! It's got so much sentimental value for me, and it holds up great, too. I know this because I've replayed it so many times, the last time was last year, around the holidays.

This was my first Zelda, and you know what they say: "Your first love is always the one you remember the fondest," or some crap like that. But it really is like that for me in this case. I had never played a game like that before in my life up until that point. Looking back, '98 was a pivotal year in my life! So many things happened that shaped me into who I am today. The story, the interaction with the characters, the items... I can tell you so much stuff about this game that I can really go on for like a couple more minutes.

I remember having conversations with my friends on which part of the game each one of us was and how to do certain things to get through them. I also bonded a lot with my cousin playing this game -- we don't live close to each other. It just brings back a lot of memories that I can't just ignore. Now you may be thinking "this (really, really, really good-looking) dude clearly loves this game due to nostalgic reasons." As I mentioned before, I've replayed this game several times, you guys! It doesn't feel dated in my humble opinion. Most of the mechanics for the modern 3D Zelda games were established by this game. You can't go wrong with this bad boy.

I'm not even sure why I'm trying to make a case for this game, it's one of the most beloved games across the board! Oh God! The music. I forgot to mention the music. To this day I still remember how to play most of the songs on the N64 controller. Seriously, best game ever. What's your favorite game? Sound off in the comments below and we can have a little chat over whose opinion is correct over some marshmallows and gummy worms.

Arkham Knight at PSX

This post was originally posted in my IGN blog. You can go read it over here.

Recently I went to the Playstation Experience in Vegas, and let me tell you I had a great time. This was my first trade show I've been to and it didn't disappoint at all. There was plenty to look at and play. My main reason for being there was to attend the Podcast Beyond panel. I've always wanted to go to the live shows they have, but wasn't able to until last weekend.

Now, just because I went there for Beyond doesn't mean that I'm not going to enjoy myself while I'm there. You've got to enjoy life, people. Make the best out of every situation. Every single moment is precious. Now that I got my motivational speaker out of me, let's get back to what I was talking about, shall we? There were plenty of games to see and interact with. I wanted to try Morpheus, but by the time I got in line, it turns out they were handing out tickets beforehand and already ran out of them -- and guess who didn't have one...

Sorry brother, but you ain't even getting near me!

There were too many games there that just stood out to me so much, like Uncharted 4, The Order 1886, and plenty others. So much content to digest in such little time, guys! Because of it, I want to just focus on Arkham Knight. When I first caught a glimpse of the gameplay for Arkham Asylum (wait, I thought you said Arkham Knight...) before it came out, I knew I wanted that game. I didn't need a review or preview to tell me that. My gut just told me I needed to have that game. Sure, I read some previews and the review, because I just wanted to see more of it, but sometimes you just know.

Even if the review doesn't turn out the way you'd hoped it would (which wasn't the case this time). It's like love at first sight. You don't care if the game is bitchy to your friends or acts as if it was the boss -- which it definitely isn't -- there's this hook that draws you in. Same thing happened to me with Arkham City, which to me is much better than Asylum, but what Asylum had going for it is the fact that it established Batman in the video game world. That initial reaction didn't happen with Origins for me. No disrespect to Warner Bros. Montreal, I'm sure they're a fine developer, but I had to brush up on my reading for that one. I actually ended up not playing that one, not because I thought it wasn't a good game, it didn't catch my eye, that's all.

Rocksteady earned my trust, so anything they put out after that, I will buy. Now, that doesn't mean that the trust can't be broken, don't be mistaken. What I'm telling you here is that they have a little bit of credit with me. That doesn't happen with every developer or game franchise, for that matter. There are some games that I love and I just wasn't sure if they'd be any good before I actually played it. You know the old adage: "don't judge a book by it's cover." I can assure you, you've probably been burned by that one too many times. I know I have. Sometimes though, that cover is just really impressive and you can't help but fall for it.

So when I saw the Arkham Knight booth at PSX, I thought to myself "Hey, why don't I just go check this game out? I mean, I'm already here!" The booth was awesomely decorated, they had different sets of Cowls and Capes all in separate glass boxes, for a moment I even thought "Why the hell are there Batman decorations?" Obviously it hit me immediately after that (Okay, it wasn't that immediate, but my brain got there!). Suddenly I saw the huge line that awaited. I'd already seen a couple of trailers when it got announced, I knew I wanted this bad boy. I figured, you know what, I'm getting this no matter what, so let's just go onto the next one.

You mean to tell me there's no more pumpkin pie!?

I know it might sound weird to write about a game I didn't even check out when I had the chance, but there's just that something about it that gives me the feeling I'll buy this no matter what. What are your thoughts on Arkham Knight? Sound off in the comments and we can talk about unicorns.