Everybody Has An Opinion, Deal With It

If you keep wondering why somebody has anything to say about something you say the moment it was said --see what I did there? wink wink-- it's because everybody has an opinion. No matter what it is, no matter what you do, there's always some big mouth yammering something at you whenever you open your mouth --be it good or bad. Now, when I say open your mouth, what I mean is you say something that is polarizing. Something that's not just diplomatic, but has some substance to it. A lot of the times you could just open your mouth and the only thing that happens is a fly goes into it --which let me tell you, isn't all that pleasant-- because all you said was some bland statement.

People could be giving you great ideas and constructive criticism or they could even be complimenting you for your work, but people could also be trying to shut you down just because they disagree with you. To those I recommend you flip them a nice little old figurative bird --hey, it's only fitting, nobody asked for their opinion, but they still give it to you. Don't actually engage with them, just don't take it to heart. Don't be discouraged, because when you've got split opinions being hurled at you, it usually means you're on the right path. It means you're not just being neutral, there's an actual stance to what you do or say.

In the midst of this politically correct climate that's grown in the past few years --which I hope starts to whittle down sooner rather than later-- there are a lot of people that just can't take a joke or tend to find everything offensive. They feel the need to complain and get angry about something that doesn't even have to do with them --that's right you haters, if the people involved are okay with what's going on, why are you whining you big baby? If the issue is an actual tragedy or anything like that, it's a different story --see, now I'm covering my ass just in case someone takes offense to my previous comment. What a wuss. This has got to stop! Let my people go, God dammit. --I just felt the need to throw that last one in there just because.  

But the fact of the matter is that there has always been a climate where people will either stand with or against you if you're actually taking a stance. As previously stated, that's something great. You don't want to be trying to tip-toe around everything just to make everybody like you. That's stupid and will only make you hate yourself. Hating yourself only leads to bad things and we don't want that. Bad things are bad. Love yourself, maaaan. It's better when you're polarizing and have haters, because the people that actually do love you do it because you're being true to yourself. So let your true colors shine and be free with the wind, maaaan. It's time for us to remove the façade and show ourselves. Whoa. That was a little too much. Yeah, cover that up.

Haters gonna hate, maaaan.

Haters gonna hate, maaaan.

So let the people have an opinion. Let them hurl it at you no matter what it is, because you can bask in the glory that is being yourself. If you let their opinion stop you, then you lose and they win. We don't want you to lose, we want you to win, because no matter what the end result is, the fact of the matter is that if you're being you, you've already won.

P.S. You gotta let it all out, maaaaaan. Oh. I didn't mean literally. Oh well... I can't un-see that, though.